On Thursday, Lower Sixth (Year 12) pupil Scarlett Somerville and sixth form Art students painted artwork on a very large canvas – the school field.

A lot of teamwork was required to have Scarlett’s drawing transferred to the field. First, the group set out to map the drawing by placing grids which corresponded to the blueprint. Second, the cohort, led by art teacher Lizzy Ansticebrown, traced the shape in each grid using climbing rope before Scarlett went in to make the final touches. Next, pupils came together to dot paint the lines ready for the grounds team to go over them with the line painter which would complete the painting.

Jack, St Chris’ Head Groundsman, then followed the dot work with the line painter in three colours. The person was painted in white, the hearts in blue, and the plant in yellow. Pupils have already been admiring the artwork on the field, sitting by it during lunches and inviting other pupils to have a look.

Have you seen the Be Green man yet?