Did you know you can hear certain varieties of rhubarb growing because it grows so fast?

Welcome to ‘Rhubarb Fest!‘. Throughout April and some of May students have had the opportunity to go rhubarb picking during company time. The patch is at the front of Arunwood and has been recently discovered during lockdown by staff member and rhubarb fanatic Emma Bennett-Jones. Students were welcome to take their rhubarb home, or add to the pile in the staff room.There was also a competition for the longest stem of rhubarb this week and Gabriel Schmid in II Group won with his finding of 76cm long! Piles of rhubarb were available to staff, students, guests and parents to take home all week from the staff room which disappeared very quickly! We picked over 2,000 stems over the course of the season as a school which was a huge feat!


Recipes for you to try at home:

Rhubarb Fool: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/rhubarb-fool-confit-rhubarb-pistachios

Classic crumble: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/rhubarbcrumble_11396

Rhubarb gin for your Friday night wind down! https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/rhubarb-gin


Happy Rhubarb fest!