Last week St Chris took part in the Welwyn Garden City Youth Drama Festival, an annual drama competition for schools and youth groups across Hertfordshire and North London.
Pupils in Years 7 – 10 performed the one act play Heritage by Dafydd James, a dark comedy set against a backdrop of seemingly innocent May Day Festivities, that deals with issues around nationalism, identity and control.  This was an extremely hotly contested category but after some wonderful comments from the adjudicator, St Chris took home the second place “Hinton Cup” for their performance.  In addition the cast were awarded a medal for their outstanding team work.  The play was directed by our wonderful LAMDA teacher Sue Scott Davison, who was so overwhelmed with talent auditioning for the piece that she ended up creating a second cast team who will be performing the play at St Chris on Friday 17 March at 7.00 pm.  Do come along to watch if you are free!
We also entered a team in the Senior category who performed The Last Post, a brand new one act play written by Connor Vincent who has been on placement in the drama department while completing his final degree year at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.  Despite some fierce competition, the St Chris team came first in the Senior category, achieving a high enough score to make them eligible for the British All Winners Festival which takes place in July.  In addition Bluebell Muir in Year 13 won a medal for Best Actor and Connor was shortlisted for the Derek Jacobi Playwriting Award.  The Last Post will also be performed at St Chris Friday, 17 March at 8.00 pm; please note this performance is not suitable for young children.
A huge congratulations to everyone who competed in Welwyn as well as our directors Sue and Connor and of course a massive thank you to our theatre technician Mike Li who took on the enormous job of transporting both sets to the Barn Theatre in Welwyn and working with the tech team there to ensure everything went smoothly for our pupils.