Huge congratulations to Noah Jones in Year 7 (I Group) for being nominated for the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award 2021.
He has been selected as one of this year’s 85 commended poets, out of 15,000  entrants to the competition. To be in the top 100 is a fantastic achievement. 
Noah’s poem ‘Tea’ will feature on The Poetry Society website and in the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Anthology, and Noah joined the on-line awards ceremony yesterday.  Congratulations Noah!
Here is his winning poem…


I was walking with my mum
When I asked her,
“How was your day?”
She said, “abysmal”
I asked
“Would you like me to make you a very beautiful cup of tea?”
She smiled, “Yes! Yes please.”
At first, I ran all the way to the far, far shelf
Pulling the sparkling white tea cup down,
Then all of a sudden, I heard my mum,
“Is the tea ready yet?”
I shook my head.
Next thing I did, was to pull out a grey sock-like tea bag
All of a sudden I heard my mum screeching,
“Noah, is my tea ready yet?”
I shook my head
I pressed a button and the water started to erupt like a volcano
Then I heard some shouting from the other room
I said, “wait for a bit”
Next, I poured a bit of milk and pulled out a spoon
I span the tea like a tornado
Then from in the room I was In, I heard the biggest scream
I nodded my head.
My mum took a little sip and her frown
Turned to the brightest smile, ever.
Her heart turned Very warm.