Week 6 (8 – 14 February 2021): St Chris Remote Learning PE Challenges: Line Jumping Challenge & Flexibility Routine!

Line Jumping Challenge – set by the ‘Get Set Tokyo’ Olympics organisation.

Equipment Needed:

  • A line (drawn or something placed) on the floor for you to jump over safely (check with a parent before you do any drawing!)
  • A stopwatch/countdown timer
  • Your progress sheet (attached) to monitor your performance through the week.

Rules/How to Play:

  1. Stand with your feet parallel to the line
  2. Start the timer
  3. Jump repeatedly, side-to-side, up and over the line (ensuring you clear it)
  4. Count how many you can do in 1 minute.
  5. Have a 2 minute break and repeat, twice.
  6. Note your best score out your three attempts on the attached progress sheet.


  • Face the line and jump over it forwards/backwards: your heels must clear the line!
  • Try both methods (one each morning and one each afternoon) and see which one is most efficient
  • Increase the time you jump over the line
  • Jump with a skipping rope, instead of over a line, if you’d prefer to work for a longer time period.

Week 6 Line Jumping Challenge Progress Sheet

Flexibility Routine A chance to follow the 15-minute routine with Tom Merrick (Bodyweight Warrior) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_xrDAtykMI.

Equipment Needed:

  • A yoga mat, or surface soft enough on which to complete your flexibility routine

Rules/How to Play: Instructions are in the video or there is a screen-free pdf of the stretches below.

Week 6 15 Minute Flexibility Routine

Share your experience! Please email in a photo of you Line Jumping or completing the Flexibility routine to fitnessfun@stchris.co.uk