Here is next week’s PE Challenge for Years 7 to 13 – although anyone can join in!

Complete a 4-minute Tabata Workout

Sounds simple (and quick!) enough…but this HIIT training session should challenge even the fittest of you.  Thanks to PE Teacher Kirsty, who set the challenge and who has also created a time-lapse video to introduce Tabata and give you a demonstration of some exercises…

Week 5 (1 – 7 February 2021): St Chris Remote Learning PE Tabata Challenge

Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, featuring exercises that last four minutes (though it may feel a lot longer!). Tabata training was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo.

1) Kettle Bell (optional – could do it without, or choose another weighted object you can hold onto!)
2) A floor mat/padded surface/blanket (if you choose a floor exercise like sit-ups)
3) Tabata music playlist (plenty available from the various music streaming sites), though you could use any music and a countdown timer if needed.

Challenge details:
Kirsty has a short video to explain more about Tabata and demonstrated a workout. Or, if you’re feeling creative, she has set a challenge for you to design your own Tabata workout (and playlist!). You do your workout inside or outside – just ensure you have enough space around you to complete your chosen exercises safely and that the exercises are working the large muscle groups of your body (in your legs/arms/abs).

Example exercises (demonstrated by Kirsty): Kettle Bell swings; High knees; Star Jumps; Weighted Squat; Mountain Climbers; Sit-up punches; shadow boxing; bunny hops.  You could also do: burpees, push-ups; heel flicks; American Jacks; Superman crunches (from a plank position)…the list is endless (and there are plenty of suggested ones online if you need more inspiration)

Workout structure:
1. Choose 8 different exercises (or you can choose 4, but you’d need to double them up)
2. Complete each exercise for 20 seconds (completing as many repetitions as you safely can in that time).
3. Have a 10 second rest between exercises.
4. Have a 1 or 2 minute rest after doing all 8 exercises (You have just completed your first ‘set’ of exercises)
5. Repeat your set 3 more times…with your 1-2 minute break in between each set.

Share your experience! Please email in a photo of you playing your cricket game to