A huge welcome to our new gap students Corban and Natalie from New Zealand and Georgie from Australia!

Having just finished school, the three of them decided to come to St Chris to work as gap students for the coming year.

A gap student at St Chris has various roles. Working in the boarding houses is one of them, as well as helping in the School in different departments.

Corban is the new PE gap student, Natalie is helping with the music department and Georgie with the Junior School.

What a huge step to leave your family to live in a different country! For the students at St Chris it is normal to have gap students from all around the world as new gaps arrive each year. However, for the gap students themselves, it is a massive and a very brave decision to leave their home. New people, a different culture, strange food, and not being a student anymore but a member of staff.

Now, St Chris is their new home. They are settling in very well, are happy to work with students and teachers and find their work interesting and exciting. Furthermore, St Chris is a completely new experience for them as a school itself, combining boarding school with day school and introducing a different approach to education to the one they themselves received.

A gap year is not only a chance to do a work experience but also a chance to learn about oneself. And St Chris is the perfect place to combine these two aspects.

We all wish them a lovely time in England!

Welcome to St Chris!

Ricky Gudella, Gap Student